Review Criteria


The aim of Geoblitz is to assess the collection and identify a specimen’s scientific and engagement potential, by assessing against a two tier grading system. A numerical value of stars is given to the specimen’s scientific/historic value. The award or colour of the star is given to the specimen’s aesthetic and engagement potential. This is a slight adaptation of the Horniman Museum’s methodology, used to assess their collection during their “Bioblitz” and “Geoblitz” projects. I have endeavoured to remain consistent in standardising the criteria and uphold their principles.

I would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank the wonderful staff at the Horniman Museum for all their invaluable advice and inspiration, to whom I am sincerely grateful.


Numerical grading system

Specimens will be assessed against the following three criteria to identify and highlight their scientific/historic value; resulting in a numerical grading system of stars from zero to three.

Number Criteria :  Zero to three Definitions
Scientific Is of scientific or of other research importance; including being cited or published.
Historic Is associated with a known collector, donor, locality, site, discovery, date or institution; supports research in a specific field.
Rarity/Uniqueness Is internationally, nationally or regionally important; rare in museums collections or from an important local or international SSSI site.


Number of stars allocated

Three Stars: Meets all three criteria.

As an example: a specimen that is associated with a collector of a major historic importance, whilst having a high degree of scientific importance. A rarity in a museum’s collection and/or from a SSSI site.

Two Stars: Meets only two of the three criteria.

As an example: a specimen that is from an international or locally important site, that has an interesting history associated with an institution/collector or is of research importance.

One Star:  Meets only one of the three criteria.

As an example: a specimen with good data, collected/identified by a recognised authority, with a good potential into a specific area of research.

Zero Stars: Does not meets any of the three criteria

As an example; a specimen that has no scientific/historic/rarity merit but has an immediate visual impact and public engagement potential.



Award grading system

Specimens will be assessed against the following criteria to identify and highlight their aesthetic/engagement potential; resulting in an award grading system of stars from Clear to Gold.


Type Criteria:  Gold, Silver, Bronze Definitions
Public Engagement Has good public engagement potential for display, events or publicity. The potential of illustrating a concept or morphology. Level of preservation or formation.


Type of star allocated

Gold Status:

A stunning specimen that exhibits very good to exceptional preservation/formation, and has a very high level of public appeal therefore should be included in any public events or warrants public display.

Silver Status:

A specimen that exhibits good to very good preservation/formation, and has a high level of public appeal or exquisitely illustrates a specific feature or process; therefore should be included in any public events.

Bronze Status:

A specimen that exhibits good preservation and/or adequately illustrates a subject or reference with a moderate level of public appeal and therefore may or may not warrant inclusion in any public events.

Clear Status:

A specimen that exhibits fair to poor preservation/formation, and has limited public appeal therefore does not warrant public engagement, but may have scientific/historic/rarity merit.



Key to the stars

keyStunning and wonderful specimens that have great research and engagement potential.

Very good specimens that have great research and/or engagement potential.

Good specimens that have very good research and/or engagement potential.

Moderate specimens that have good research and/or engagement potential.

Fair specimens that have reasonable research and/or engagement potential.

Poor specimens that have little research and/or engagement potential.

Does not fulfil the criteria


This methodology therefore takes into account specimens that have exceptional display potential, but have no documentation or any records of a collector and location; scoring (0) Zero Gold Stars. Alternatively a specimen may be part of a significant collection with major historic importance, but has limited public use; scoring (3) Three Clear Stars.

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